As a shoes designer, i have been involve with some fashion design too, and i love it , but when your idea doesn;t goes with the idea of the person u r doin it for, well its very stressful . I usually assist the Acupuncture own designer when it come to designing cloths , and usually idea will be flyin all over the places, but what stressful is the person we r designing it for, have different idea, as Acupuncture design should be fun. loud and fashionable, but that person idea of acupuncture cloths are cheap , ugly n sad.
Luckily the brand use to belong to the designer , so we can still do something fun .
Anyway i saw this set of pic , and this is what fun fashion should be .
A brand call NAME Ribbon
You are a fashion designer too?
you must be very trendy, please post some of the stuff you design!!
I know you are very trendy, as i remember from the past.
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