This look like a cool mag don;t know if i can get it in HONG KONG..
I come to recognise i m into alot of stuff, but don;t think i m a master in one thing, n if u ask me "boil down to one think you r really interested in , or m really gd at", i don;t think i can have the answer, sometime i think its gd to like some many thing, art, music, fashion, sport, cooking etc....but its sad to know that when it come to in deep detail, i don;t really have one, not sure what i m talkin about ? ok, put those interest into % , most people may have 70% of knowledge in one thing, n 30% on the other stuffs, but me i m like 10%-20% on everything.
One thing i really need to improve is to know how to approch people, i m a very shy person when come to meeting new friends , which may come across to be rude to some people, coz i don;t really talk n don't really look at people, which is nothing like my real self(toward my friend), coz i m abit silly abit crazy n childish.
I can never make up my mind on anything, sometime i wanted this n sometime i wanted that. . God um... no idea y i m typing this, um..wired ... don;t think anyone care haha ... Sorry everyone for boring u guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hey its not boring at all,
its good to blog how you feel
so i get to know more about you.
But it sound like you are upset or unhappy
hope you feel better soon
Cheers...No i m not upset or sad but thanks for ur comment
i do not hink you are only 10 or 20% good at things. i think you score higher in cooking for example and also in blogging... and i always have this idea that you can do great stuff if you focus :-)
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