This is so fuck up, this weather is crazy,with the snow storm in China, n causing so many problem, i really do feel bad for people who r stuck in train/bus for 5-6 days without water n food, and no heating, causing alot of peoples to be ill n sick, total madness, n when they do get to walk to the near by village ( after hours of walking)to buy food, the village peoples mark up their price for food to 50 times the orginal price, people in China r fucking crazy .
with the storm, its really causing Dongguang n Hk to be very cold, n i really can;t stand it,( HK is ok , but in Donggu, its so cold) although its not as cold as it is in London, but without heating indoor, i m really freezing my ass off here, its not like i didn;t wear enough, as u can see from my pic i m wearing more then enough, but hey ho can;t complain to much, coz for the past 3 or so yrs, we've been complainin for the lack of cold days in winter....well we will have one more week of this coldness , so happy CNY as in Cold new yr hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha .. i m so funny... Gosh this coldness is makin me crazyyyyyyyyyyyy
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