Now i m tellin u why i love Lilly Allen, her alblum the lyric in it was amazin ,very funny ,very rude n so very ture..n it doesn;t stop there, in real person she is not afarid to speak her mind..now here is a girl who tell the media that she think Mondonna is so outdated...N now she is beenin interview by Teenpeople:
TeenPeople.com: You've been labeled an 'It' girl so we were wondering what you thought of some of the others that share that title. What do you think of Jessica Simpson?
Lily: I'm definitely not into her music.
TeenPeople.com: Paris Hilton?
Lily: No comment.
TeenPeope.com: How about Beyonce?
Lily Allen: I love Beyonce. She's great. She's a really amazing singer. And if she does write all of those songs, she's an amazing songwriter as well.
TeenPeople.com: Sienna Miller?
Lily: I don't know. There's something not likable about her. I don't know what it is.
TeenPeople.com: What about Posh and Becks moving to Los Angeles?
Lily: Good. As long as they are out of my country.
TeenPeople.com: And finally, what do you think of Britney Spears?
Lily: Um... I think she's very entertaining.
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