but the show must go on, first up a back up singer of his sing for 15mins or so, she was alright ( the singin i mean of coz), after that we have to wait 15 more min for John to come out, sing a few song, talk abit then sing some more, i love it , everyone were involve enjoyin themself dancin away, there were this very fat dad n mum with there little girl, n it was so sweet, mum n dad shakin thire ass dancin ,(they were dancin pretty well i must say), hands in the air movin about. John Legend voice was amazin, very sexy n seem like he is enjoyin himself, much better than K West. So over all its n enjoyin evening and thanks Sergio for comin with me, even though u feel awful hahaha, yes i know u will be readin this. Thanks you so much hope u enjoy it as well as i did..
well, thank you for inviting me!!! my brain cells were still dying by the dozens drowned in alcohol so i had some black outs during the concert but not too many... cause it was not too bad not too bad. i mean, being a type of music that do not really interest me, i must admit it was a good show. yeah, good voice. and yes, he has a certain presence. a wet one.
speaking of music that interests me, i read there's a remix of analyse out in the net. i dunno if underthe name of mr. thom yorke himself or not. should be burnable from somewhere. wanna look for it?
and you must make me listen to this mika boy
and of course, do not forget to confirm Muse!
the my royla reader haha
"he has a certain presence. a wet one." wat do u mean by that i wonder? hehe
i m waitin for my boss 2 confirm the europe trip, once i m gd then i will be on the Muse case, i m lookin forward 2 it very much 2.
wats the remix u r on about ?from which band?
i will burn u the Mika CD once i've got i.
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