Was watchin a movie called Into the wild 2 weeks ago , n its been stuck in my mind till now, been doin some thinkin, the movie is call Into The Wild
Into the Wild recounts the life of Christopher McCandless, an actual student-athlete at Emory University, as told by his sympathetic sister. In response to a materialistic, manipulative, and domineering father, McCandless destroys all of his credit cards and identification documents, donates $24,000 (nearly his entire savings) to Oxfam, and sets out on a crosscountry drive in his well-used but reliable economy car towards his ultimate goal: to live alone and off the land in Alaska. Along the way, he loses his automobile to a flash flood, inspiring him to hitchhike his way there after burning the remainder of his dwindling cash supply. Taking an unintentionally circuitous route, he encounters many unconventional individuals on his itinerary as he purposefully trudges onward to his final destination, arriving in the wilds of Alaska nearly two years after his initial departure. He starts living in a "Magic Bus" [1] serving as a shelter for people walking in the area (though in the film there is nobody else). Resourceful, McCandless finds joy in living off the land, and begins to write a book of his adventures. Unfortunately, as the spring thaw arrives, he is cut off from civilization by waterways. As his food supply lessens, he resorts to eating plants. Although he consults a brought-along book about the edibility of plants, he confuses an edible and a poisonous kind, which turns out to be fatal. As he dies, he continues to write, detailing his painful demise as a dramatic denouement to his autobiography.
n after the movie it got me thinkin about life, the life we r in , the place we r in , r we really happy ? is it us who make Money , clothes, cars ,n all those in between or do they make us into wat we r , ( don;t know if it make sense) , n sometimes i do feel we need to get in touch with nature to really know what we r about, n where we come from.
We were born into this city life , everything was handed to us, everything comes easily, turn on the gas n u got fire to cook , twist of the tap n water start to run, really if u think about it , we r living in this easy life, i m not sayin its bad , by all mean i m not , its gd we r moving forward from the past, the world is changing n its a gd thing, i m sayin sometimes its gd to go back to the wild, with no gas no tap , u have to work for it , then will u realise, life doesn;t come that easily , n start to treasure things u got, i think another reason which got me really thinkin about the movie , is that the earthquake, i watched the movie on sat ( i think) n the earthquake happen on monday , all of a sudden u hear ten of thousand of peoples dead in a matter of mins, with no warning, their life r just gone, what's that all about ? u know what i mean , its just shocking, n whats worst , we human may have something to do with the earthquake, u can say " oh its mother natural " maybe , maybe so , but it can have something to do with us, the way we r living , the pollution we r making , the tree we r chopping , the thing we r digging of the ground, we r all to blame for it , it causing the earth to change, n i m one of them , one of the billion of people in the world whos causing the world to change, n i must say i m trying my best to be green, at times i do fail, but i do believe if everyone start by doin a little bit n bit by bit the world will be a better place.
Was watching a show call Log way down last week, its a documentary television series, documenting the 19,000 miles (31,000 km) journey of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman from London to New York on motorcycles. They travelled eastwards through Europe and Asia, flew to Alaska and continued by road from there to New York. The whole series was very inspiriting , n with the Movie n earthquake in my mind , it makes me wanna do something in my life. There was a part where they were in Mongolia , N Ewan said Its so unfair, the way we live compare to the way they do , its so unfair on them .n its so ture , we r polluting the world by building car , buildings , n in Mongolia there r nth , all u can see r green , tiny house , they don;t even need any dust bin...
So i think its trip like those , which will make u think , change the way u live n board en ur sense of living.
There r alot that i wanna say, but honestly i m too lazy to write, this along took me 3 days to type. I guess i will type somemore some other time.
Anyway its all very well talkin about goin to places, but to actually do it is another thing.
There r people out there who actually travel on their bike ( yes bicycle )for 9 yrs , just traveling around , n i don;t mean nice city to another nice city , i m talkin about 3rd world country , like africa , Egypt, Mongolia etc, can u imagine ? it must be amazing , not in a care in the world , but travel , of coz there r alot of things to consider , but it must be one hell of n adventure.
Well i must say i have been to alot of places in the world , but there r alot of places where i wanna go , which i have not been , like Africa , Mongolia etc ,all i need now is to get my ass up , n go about doin them.