Friday, June 29, 2007

Spice Girl Reunion

Its really happening and guess what they will be coming to Hong Kong, so i guess i will be goin to see it and yes Lady Fd Sergio, u will be coming with me, since we are a lady therefore we do need the Girl Power...Thats Hot

Refusing to report on Paris Hilton

....There is a comment left by someone on YouTube which i find is so ture..."Men are dying every hour and people give a shit about a spoiled brat paying her "dues" to society. Its a shame we lose someone like Princess Di, but keep Paris Hilton."
Yes i know i like to watch The Simple Life but lets face it, this is just too much , its crazy, this story of Paris is just over the top.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

King of Wimbledon

Roger Federer will attempt to continue his dominance on the grass courts of Wimbledon as he looks to build on consecutive victories that began in 2003. The Roger Federer package will include a bespoke jacket, a sweater, and a warm-up trouser for warm-up on court pre-game, a luxury leather tennis bag, and an on-court performance outfit. Each piece adheres to the equipment and uniform guidelines set forth by the Wimbledon committee. However as the reigning champion of Wimbledon and one of the greatest players to ever swing a racket, Federer’s pieces all feature gold detailing as a tribute to his dominance.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Feel ........

Does anyone ever get the feelin of don;t know why you are mad or upset at something or someone, you are just mad in ur mind but when you think about it or try to explain it, it turn out to be nth at all.
I m having that feelin, i m mad or upset or watever but its all in my mind, when i think about why i m sad n etc, its really is nothing, nothing to be mad about, trying to explain to myself y but can't explain why and yet i m still mad.
But all i know is there is something bothering, something which i shouldn;t be thinkin about or can't really get help from.

Paris Hilton out of Jail Thats Hot

Nicole Kidman - Nintendo DS

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Which Pixar Character M i?

You are part Woody. You've got an overall well-rounded character, but your insecurity sticks out like a sore thumb. If you ever want to recapture your past stardom, you're going to have to accept that the game has changed and you'll need some help.

You are part Dory. You are naive and gullible. Wait, that's a good thing. Your ability to trust any stranger is a trait not many people have, but be more cautious next time a stranger offers to buy you lunch or you might find yourself in a fishy situation.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Which Fantastic 4 Character m I ?

You are The Thing. You supply the muscle in any effort, while keeping the team going with your passion and motivation. Even though you are an outcast, your friends know that underneath a strong bulky exterior lays a person of utmost sincerity.

GRINDHOUSE: Death Proof & Planet Terror


Behold the latest shoe from Y-3 in collaboration with Legendary Manchester UK nightclub, The Hacienda. The shoe’s awesome design was a collaboration between Peter Saville (original Factory Records designer), Ben Kelly (architect who did The Hacienda’s interior) and Joy Division/New Order Bass player, Peter Cook. Regardless, never before have there been so many cooks in the kitchen deliver such a fantastic sneaker-specimen.
The shoe is a short run at 250 pairs and will sell exclusively in the Y-3 Manchester store for two weeks before it goes into Selfridges in London and Y-3’s flagship in Tokyo. The FAC51-Y3 will be 345 GBP,

Packaging For Re-Use

Using a combination of wax-coated cardboard, adhesive patches, velcro, lambswool felt and some DIY ingenuity, the once disposable-but-not-so-recyclable packaging protecting your spankin’ new laptop converts into a sleeve, perfect for insulating your prized possession from dings and dirt.
That Hot n it save the world

Thursday, June 14, 2007

French & Saunders

I love them they r just amazing.

Warhol x Burton Limited Edition Tees

The past yr or so, so many brand are doin crossover with Andy Warhol and to be honest i don;t think many did do good job, now here is a brand who did a good job, Burton.
They created 200 pieces of limited T-Shirt for both men n women
Here r the load down for the Tees
The men’s tee is based on Warhol’s 1981-1982 acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas piece, “Knives,” while the women’s version is based on the iconic photo of Edie Sedgwick from Warhol’s 1966 art print simply titled “Edie.” Both tee designs factor heavily into the Andy Warhol Collection by Burton. “Knives” appears on the collection’s 158cm board as well as on the limited edition boot and binding, and “Edie” is featured on the 156cm board as well as in several pieces across the softgoods line. The tees feature a customized logo that incorporates Burton’s “Process” watermark with Warhol’s signature.

Thats Fierce

Nano Universe x Dita Eyewear, Dita do do some amazing eyewear, love it

Check this out

In an attempt to “add emotion to a square shaped device,” the designers at Syntes Studio of Sweden developed the Domino, a progressive- and very sexy- concept phone. Backed by the concept that disruption, as a strategic method, creates a temporary imbalance that then uncovers brand insights and new opportunities, the developers decided to transfer some well-known concepts from the world of old-gaming into a new, high-tech product. The resulting phone became something much more emotional than the average cell phone (which, while developed creatively from some perspectives, ultimately tend to follow a classic blueprint). I love the end result (braille for numbers? Brilliant!), and am also feeling a little enlightened by Syntes’ disruption theory. Nice work, guys; we’d love to get our hands on this one day!

Red Hot Visvim

Visvim Shoes are so amazing, check out this Crispy Red Hockneys. Itssss Niceeeee


he team behind the Webble have clearly done their homework. They’ve got a name that both evokes the internet and sounds fun, and a product that is shiny, ergonomic, and cute in a very Apple way. The Webble comes in two versions, the Webble and the Webble Air. The former is candy apple red and looks kind of like a beetle; the latter is the same shape, but it’s hollow in the middle and wrapped in a dark gray mesh. So what are these things? Well, they’re footrests. Kind of. They’re footrests for the tap dance crowd. You don’t actually rest your feet on the Webble, you play with it under your desk. Think of it as chair surfing, or office skateboarding, or maybe solo footsie.
The Webble is the brainchild of a Silicon Valley design firm called BriteObjects, which claims to be “focused on improving the office experience.” If you’re like me and have trouble actually sitting down for more than ten minutes at a time, and as a result take so many coffee/bathroom/stretch breaks that people begin to get suspicious, then the Webble might be just the cure for you.
–Dan Steckenberg
You can check out thire website

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Do fun Stuff

Do Fun Stuff are a new clothing brand out of San Diego. I love the Paris tee. Jail is Not hot hahahahaaha

Send tear down my face

Truly impressive performance of Somewhere Over The Rainbow on Britain's Got Talent, her name is Conny and she is only 6 years old

Monday, June 11, 2007

What m i ?

Facebook is such gr8 fun, they have a site call brainfall which, make u do some test n basiclly tell u what u r like.
Here are some of my.
Q. What kind of drunk are u ?
You are a Celebrity Drunk. By the time you've finished your first drink, everyone in the room knows your name; but by the end of the night, too many drinks might cost you your fame.

Q. My major should be ?
Your major should be Art. You are sensitive, creative, and you don't follow established rules. Unfortunately, you'll have to follow some rules if you ever want that promotion at Starbucks

Q. What kind of drink are u?
You are a part Tequila Shot. You are the life of the party, and you wouldn't have it any other way. When it's time to enjoy yourself, you don't hold back. Sometimes you take it too far, and go places you shouldn't go, but that never keeps you from doing it all over again. ...

Q. Which heroes are you?
You are part Hiro. You are everyones favorite Japanese tourist. Your time is well-managed and you make sure things get done. On top of that, the girls always want a second chance with you.

Just for laught...

-A young journalist gets a job at a provincial newspaper in the middle of the prairies. His first assignment was to write a human-interest story. Driving through the cornfields, he spied an old farm-hand and introduced himself.
"Out here in the middle of nowhere - has anything ever happened that made you happy?". "Yup!" he exclaimed, suddenly. "One time my neighbour's daughter, got lost. So we formed a posse, we eventually found her. After we all screwed her, we took her home."
The young journo blanched. "I can't print that!". "Has anything else happened?" The farmer thought again. "Yeah!" he said. "One of my neighbour's sheep got lost. We found it and all screwed it before we took it back home."
"Christ!" yelled the young man. "I can't print that either!". "OK - has anything around here that made you particularly sad?"
The old man looked at the ground. "Well," he said sheepishly. "I got lost, once."

-A visitor at an asylum asks the director what the criteria are for defining whether or not a patient should be institutionalised.
"Well," says the director, "we fill up a bathtub; then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub."
"Oh, I understand," says the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket as it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup."
"No," says the director. "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed by the wall or near the window?"

-Two guys are sitting on a bar stool. One starts to insult the other one. He screams, “I slept with your mother!” The bar gets quiet as everyone listens to see what the other weasel will do. The first again yells, “I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!”
The other says, “Go home dad, you’re drunk.”

-Q: What is the similarity between PlayStations and breasts?
A: Both are made for children, but used by adults.

-A man walks to the corner of Oxford Street and Regent Street in London during a downpour and somehow manages to get a taxi straight away.
He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says: "Perfect timing. You're just like Stevie"
"Who?" says the man.
"Stevie Jones. He was a guy who did everything right. Like my taxi being vacant during a rainstorm. It would have happened for Stevie."
"Well no one is perfect. There are always a few clouds over everybody," the man replies.
"Not Stevie," says cabbie. "He was a terrific athlete. He could have turned professional at golf or tennis and he danced like a West End star. He was handsome and sophisticated, more than George Clooney. He had a better body than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. He was something!"
"Somehow Stevie just new exactly how to make women happy," the cabbie continues.
"He had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody's birthday. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse and the whole street blacks out."
"No wonder you remember him!" says the man.
"I never actually met Stevie," admits cabbie.
"Then how do you know so much about him?" asks the man.
"After he died I married his wife."


Was told i don;t have much pic of myself alone, so here r some. Oh the chicken is not me of coz, just a funny pic i took in china.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

If i m half as good..

If i can dance half as good as JT then i will be very happy


"The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible , and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile."
-Bertrand Russell


Have not brought Good Enough stuff in ages. Use to love them so much. Now being back in Hk, they don't seen to bring in any nice tee. Anyway we haven’t seen that many Flock prints lately, but heres a simple Logo tee by Goodenough UK.

APC new shop in Paris

The shop located at 38 rue Madame was designed by Laurent Deroo, who also did the A.P.C store in Harajuku.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

UNKLE-Burn My Shadow

This is Fearssssss..
Check It out


Always like shoes from Marc Jacobs x Vans, don;t ask me why, i just do. Got a pair myself n love them.
Now here are the latest collection. N as Cath Tate will say they are FEARs.

Paris Hilton in jail

Uniqlo*Terry Richardson

Uniqlo have team up with Terry Richardson for a collection called T-Shirt Love by Terry Richardson.
Must go n get one.

70's Porn

No this is a group called Dragonette with thire new single Take it like a man, it has a 70's porn to it

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My Favour Herors

Herors season 1 ended. .As we all wait for season 2. Here is some pic of my favour Herors Peter (Milo).

London olympic 2012

New Logo for the London Olympic 2012 , its suppose to make to go n do more excises.. ummmm..okok But How?

F***K Me... Sorry this is so amazing

Now i m sure alot of people are waiting for the I-Phone, i m for one m.
Check out the new ad of the I-Phone by Apple...

Must have item

As i've post before Huge colorful glasses are the IT item this season. Here r some more.
Created by the people at Pig Magazine, Super Sunglasses are an Italian brand that features hand-made shades with the use of German Zeiss lenses for maximum protection against the harmful UV rays from the sun. They offer a classic-styled frame in a variety of different colors to suit your tastes. If there isn’t a dealer in your local area, check out Cali Roots.

D.a.n.c.e. T-Shirt

Last month i post a dance music video call d.a.n.c.e and found the T-shirt in there amazing, and last week was talkin to Sergio that it will be great to have all those T-shirt n his friend said it will be great business to have all those shirt made.
Its now a reality, six of the T-shirt show in the MTV are now available at Colette and will be online at Sold Out. The designs were done by Ed Banger Record’s art director So Me, who was also responsible for the recent Colette x Arkitip cover and many other impressive projects. You can expect further t-shirt designs from D.A.N.C.E. in the weeks to come.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Finally a Sunny sunday

Finally a sunny sunday, went to South bay for the first time in my life, was takin to the (Magic Island) by my tour guide Sergio, coz now he know more places in hk where i have not been b4.
Anyway got to south bay at 2.45, have 2 beers slept abit, then off to Shek O for pizza at around 7.ish.
Again my tour guide took me to this pizza place, as he highly recommend it, sayin it the best pizza in HK, so along we go with a few of his friends.
The pizza place is call Black Sheep, n its one amazing place, with very dim lighting like those restartan u can only see when u r on holiday. Anyhow back to the pizza, its really is the bext pizza i've ever ate, its so so so yummy.
its a lovely sunday which feel like i was on vocantion, sorry if its a bit short n not in detail about the whole sunday coz i m so lazy today n can't be bother to think, so may post somemore later and i m sad that its goin to be bloody pissing down this comin weekend. >.<

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The High n the Low

I am talking about those annyoning wonky tables,chairs. Surely most people have use alot of different things to fix it, from bar coasters,old credit card invoices, roommate’s stray flip-flops or whatever and oh of coz u can buy those really uglt black thingy, but hey we r all stylish guys n girls we just find them boring n ugly. Now this is something exciting.
High n Low Shim Subsitutes by NYTO Studios, althought yes its in pink but hey at least is better then all the other above right ?

Friday, June 01, 2007

Huge Glasses r the must have item

Huge colorful sunglasses. Every star in Hollywood are wearing them. They are the IT item this summer. Check out this Supreme x Oakley Frogskins n White Ray-Ban Wayfarer.

David David X Fred Perry

Niceeeeeeee, Fred Perry always do alot of nice crossover.

To the Lot

A new reality show, bit like american Idol but its for filmmaker.
Each week contestants will make a movie and people at home vote, like American idol the contestant with the lowest vote go home. Although we can;t vote in Hong Kong but u can go to the website n see all the movies.

Wishing me Happy new Yr

This was made by one of the guy @ the IT apartment in China office, wishing me happy new yr. Its kind of funny