Wednesday, November 29, 2006
David James is Superman ??
It was a funny hairdo, n on Match of the day they r havin a go at him, its funny
Kanye West Touch the Sky in HK

Monday, November 27, 2006
Edison is everywhere

I M AFARID OF "spiders- have been since i was little.In Hong Kong there r not many spider'
MEN DON'T MAKE PASSES AT WOMEN WHO "think they're all that!"
THE BEST SONG TO MAKE OUT TO IS "save room by John Legend
Then he is on Esquire Dec issues quote
Mr. Schiff brought up how Asia was going to blow up for talent, and Jack told me about a client of his, Edison Chen, "who is actually going to be here in a half hour. He literally has become the style guru for all of China, and I can go on for an hour on how many things this guy has going in the pop-culture world, from the number-one album, number-one movies. He has a TV show over there, which is their version of Punk'd and Jackasshich is their number-one English-language show on MTV. So he's in town this week because he's the male lead in The Grudge 2. Like, last night we go and see The Departed, they had a little screening, and he actually played the Matt Damon role in the original Chinese version of the movie, andhis is how I know he's going to cross overo we go there, and within thirty seconds all these people who were waiting for autographs turn to Edison, and the paparazzi knew who he was, and he signed like thirty autographs, and this one guy who kept coming over-some white guy-and he was like, 'I loved you in Initial D, and Infernal Affairs 2 is the best?' "
The Year of the come back
Although they've been back of a while, but got to say these seen to be the yr for come back. We have All Saint, Take That, Jay Z, Oasis all comin back, n according to people MJ,( M Jackson) will be back 2 the studio workin on a new album SHOCKIN n yet i m looking forward to it i must say....out of all the singer or brand who make a come back...Take That shock me the most, saw there new MV by chance on MTV the other day, i was shock, my first impression was ( Holy Cow they r like old, all manly n stuff, back at the days, where they sing ( Relight my fire ) n all the other tunely n yet gayish song, they were like a brunch of kid, well i m way younger then them. But its shockin seemin them on TV now, don't know how 2 explain it, like watchn 4 old man tryin to be a boy brand. Got to say though their new song "Patience" was kind of gd...very different to there old stuff.
All Saint they look about the same as b4, still find them hot n sexy, didn;t really listen carefully to there new album yet, but there first single" Rock Steady" was crackingly good...
Oasis not been a fan so no comment
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Song of the year I Think
In my book one of the best song of the year, just beautiful, couldn't find a MTV version of it, but if u like it its by Damien Rice n the song is call 9 Crimes and the ablum is call 9...Oh i love the song......
Friday, November 24, 2006
Drunken Man
A man wakes up one morning with the filthiest hangover and no recollection of the night before. Slowly opening his eyes, he sees a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water on the bedside table.He looks around the room to find his clothes are on the dresser, neatly folded, with a clean shirt on top. The bedroom is immaculate. On the bedside table is a note, which says, 'Darling, your breakfast is in the kitchen. I love you.'Downstairs, he finds his favourite cereal, croissants, fresh OJ and freshly brewed coffee laid out waiting for him, along with the morning paper - and his 15-year-old son, who is finishing his own breakfast. 'Tell me, son,' he asks, 'what happened last night?''Well, says the boy, 'you came home so blind drunk you didn't even know your own name. You nearly broke the door down, then you were sick in the hallway, then you knocked the furniture over and when Mum tried to calm you down, you thought she was the police, so you gave her a black eye.''Christ!' says the man. 'Then how come my clothes are all folded, the house is tidy and my breakfast is ready?''When Mum dragged you into the bedroom and tried to get your trousers off to put you into bed, you shouted at her, 'Get your filthy hands off me, you whore, I'm married!''
Nicest Bar
The first says: "Aye, this is a nice bar, but where I come from, there's a better one. At MacDougal's, you buy a drink, you buy another drink, and MacDougal himself will buy your third drink!" The second then starts: "That sounds like a nice bar, but where I come from, there's a better one called Vinny's. At Vinny's, you buy a drink, Vinny buys you a drink. You buy another drink, Vinny buys you another drink." Then the third pipes up. "You think that's good? Where I come from, there's this place called Murphy's. At Murphy's, they buy you your first drink, they buy you your second drink, they buy you your third drink, and then, they take you in the back and get you laid!" "Wow!" say the other two. "That sounds fantastic! Did that actually happen to you?" "No," replies their friend, "but it happened to my sister!"
Another Blonde Joke
A blonde keeps having the same weird dream, so she goes to her doctor.
Doctor: "What is your dream about?"
Blonde: "I am being chased by a vampire..."
Doctor: "So, where are you in this dream?"
Blonde: "I am running in a hallway."
Doctor: "Then what happens?"
Blonde: "Well, that's the weird thing. In every single dream, the same thing happens. I always come to a door, but I can't open it. I keep pushing the door and pushing the door, but it won't budge!"
Doctor: "Does the door have any letters on it?"
Blonde: "Yes."
Doctor: "And what do these letter spell?"
Blonde: "P.. U... L... L..."
Doctor: "What is your dream about?"
Blonde: "I am being chased by a vampire..."
Doctor: "So, where are you in this dream?"
Blonde: "I am running in a hallway."
Doctor: "Then what happens?"
Blonde: "Well, that's the weird thing. In every single dream, the same thing happens. I always come to a door, but I can't open it. I keep pushing the door and pushing the door, but it won't budge!"
Doctor: "Does the door have any letters on it?"
Blonde: "Yes."
Doctor: "And what do these letter spell?"
Blonde: "P.. U... L... L..."
Room Service Pls
A man staying at a smart London hotel finds a card in the telephone box offering sexual services.He calls the number and says: "I'd like a bit of doggy-style, a sixty-nine and some mild bondage – is that OK?""It all sounds very interesting, sir," the lady replies, "but you might like to dial 9 for an outside line first."
Macho Mice..hahahaha
Three very macho mice are standing around trying to outdo each other. The first mouse says: "You know those little pellets they put out around the house trying to poison us? I love those things. I eat 'em like candy."The second mouse, not to be outdone says: "Oh yeah? Well, you know those mousetraps they put out to try to catch us? What I do is get on the trap, grab the cheese, and then flip over onto my back, and when the steel bar comes swinging down, I grab it and do bench presses with it." The third mouse says: "You guys are really a couple of tough mice, and I'd love to keep hangin' out with you here, but I gotta go screw the cat."
Kingdom Come
The verdict on Kingdom Come, Jay-Z's return to active lyrical duty? The Jigga man's still got it, teaming up with friends old (Pharrell, Kanye, Dre, and Beyoncé) and new (Chris Martin, who thankfully sticks to singing) for one of the year's best albums. Elsewhere, Snoop Dogg unleashes Tha Blue Carpet Treatment, yet another ode to women and weed, while indie oddball Sufjan Stevens waxes yuletide on his new box set, Songs for Christmas.
German scientists have developed a walking stick that calls for an ambulance if the owner falls over. The Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Development in Kaiserslautern invented the "I-Stick" to help elderly people. If a sensor in the I-Stick registers that it is in a horizontal position, the result of someone falling over, it sends a signal to a control unit, which plays a message telling the owner to pick it up. If the stick remains on the floor, the control box is programmed to call an ambulance or a chosen relative. The I-Stick is yet to hit stores, but its inventors are looking for a distributor.
Oh its Xmas Again
More than 65 million presents will be unwanted this Christmas, according to a report out this week. Nearly half the population will find that they've received at least three gifts that they do not like. Badly fitting underwear, hairdryers for bald men, bath salts for shower-lovers and even early Easter eggs are among the most unpopular presents that people receive during the festive season
Mistaken not Stirred
Despite only being in cinemas a week, Casino Royale has already been voted one of the top 20 most mistake-filled films of the year. Eagle-eyed fans have written into film continuity website,, with the errors. One slip-up sees the superspy's car door being open then inexplicably closed outside the Casino Royale, while another shows Daniel Craig's protective white stunt suit when he scales an aviation fuel trunk. "Normally for major releases it's only when they're on DVD that the really major things get noticed, but some of the mistakes spotted so far are really blatant," said Jon Sandy of
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Five People u meet in heaven (liverpool Vesion)
On the day of the Arsenal v Liverpool Premiership Match, Lonely Barabara closed her eyes and let the Liverpudlian inside her die. With her final Red breath she felt in her hands a heavy object... and then nothing. She awoke in the afterlife, where she learnt that heaven is not a lush garden, but a stadium circled with a swaying passionate crowd all coated in red and white.
this heaven was were through the reflections of five players her love of Liverpool was about to be explained.
The first player Barbara met.
Barbara's inner Liverpudlian forgot she was dead when she was distracted by a quite unforgetably ugly face. The face was hobbling towards her, a man seemingly with 4 skinny legs.
**** the bed, shrieked Barabara, Tommy Smith. What are you doing in my afterlife?
It was the late 60's, You were a teen. Your dad had taken you to Elland Road to watch us play Leeds. It was bitterley cold and the blades of grass were like barbed wire. Only yards from the pitch and on the right hand side, you had the pleasure of watching me quite closely in the first half. Norman Hunter put the reducer on me. The kind of hard challenge that has me using these sticks. the kind of hard tackle that had you wincing Barbara. As I got up off the cold pitch, i saw you looking at me. You remember that look don't you Barbara?
With that Bleedin face??? take some forgettin.
Tommy had heard it all before about his face, that's why even in heaven he had a moustache. and continued. I was determined to get Hunter. Within five minutes and still struggling to get over hunters bite, here he come skillfully down the line. GET STUCK IN TOMMY.....
I did it for Liverpool, I did it for you.
If you play for Liverpool, you must be tough, you must be courageous, you must want to run through walls for the cause. You can not call yourself a Liverpool player if you don't fight.
And Liverpool has always had that. Even now.
Barbara, Liverpool will come good again. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I must go now but you will meet 4 other players.
Before you go Tommy, I felt something heavy in my hands before i died, what was it?
i can't tell you that Barbara, but someone else will......
The second Player Barbara met
After rubbing her eyes in disbelief, she was soon wiping what seemed to be spit from her face. What the hell?
Hi I'm el hadji diouf.
Oh Jesus, God Help me, Barbara sighed.
What are you doing in my heaven. I've always been a good fan.
Diouf swallowed (for once) hard and explained. Barbara your love for Liverpool diminished when you saw me play for Liverpool.
a liverpool player should conduct himself in the proper way, be sacred to the clubs traditions and be humble in the honour of playing for you beautiful people.
I cost a lot of money and earned more in a week than most of you do in a year. 2 years maybe. And i bought disgrace upon you. I am a modern day footballer and i've lost touch with the working classes. Money truely is the root of all evil. Look at Bruno and Salif.
But you Barbara must remember that you never saw money as the key to success. Millions of pounds can't buy true Liverpool players, true Liverpool players are priceless. ask chelsea.
I have gone now, and my like will hopefully never been seen again. I know if the players work hard the true fans will back them. If the Liverpool fans back you, you are fearless.
Hmmm. Thought Barbara. I do believe that. Thank you el hadji, there are players at Liverpool who try. I wished i could back and show them my support.
so do I, mused Diouf. With that he was gone.
Damn...perhaps he knew what i was holding. Maybe it was a spitoon.
The third Player Barbara met
Suddenly the swaying crowd parted and the hallowed turf beneath Barbara's feet disappeared. Everything was white and clinical.
why am I here? is this a hospital?
Yes, came the reply. Nice to meet you Barbara, I am Marcus, and I'm the third player you meet.
Barbara was overwhelmed, she loved Marcus Babbell, she admired his strength, courage, consistency.
Why Marcus in my heaven are you in a wheelchair, I was your fan. I prayed for you when you were ill.
I know you did barbara, as did many. The love and support that i received from the fans at that time helped me through some of my darkest days. i am better now, but you needed to see me like this, to remember that supporting Liverpool is supporting them through thick and thin. Sure there will be trophies. We Are Liverpool. But there must be difficult times as well. adversity introduces a man to himself. Support those players now, those players at Liverpool now, and you will get your rewards.
I wondered if i would ever walk again and your club offered me a new contract. Be proud of that. that is Liverpool.
And you never let me walk alone.
Barbara wept. Marcus stood up. He was tall, powerful and with a smile not seen since alaves, left Barbara.
Barbara fell to her knees. How could she have forgotten. Why did she let herself die??
She opened her eyes. Was she back at Anfield?
The Fourth player Barbara meets:
Well there was grass, but also flowers, celophane flowers of yellow and green, and who's that Mae west? oh God I remember her, I am old. what's she doing here? Did Roy Evans sign her?
Oliver Hardy, Sonny Liston, Karl Marx oh My God...Oh My God.
JOHN LENNON. Oh John what are you doing in my heaven?
I'm not Love. I'm one of the 5 rock stars you meet in heaven, it's Albert you're after.
Barbara saw Albert Stubbins talking to Lewis Carroll and he immediately waved her over.
Hi Barbara, i am Albert Stubbins, and i'm the fourth player you meet in heaven.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band disbanded, and Barbara and Albert found themselves in a newcastle cinema.
I never saw you play Albert, but me Dad reckoned your were great. He used to talk about a diving header against Birmingham in the cup, when you connected with a Liddell Freekick only 6 inches from the ground.
Oh Barbara, such an honour to play for Liverpool. Do you know why we are here?
In fact believe it or not, i was very nearly an Everton Player.
'One of the five players i meet in hell?'Barbara quipped.
'Ah that famous scouse wit' Albert enthused before continuing.....
I was sat in this very seat in this very cinema, when a message came across the screen 'ALBERT STUBBINS LIVERPOOL WANT TO SIGN YOU, GET HERE NOW' can you imagine that? Just because mobile's where not invented, doesn't mean the agents were redundant, albert chuckled. But to play for Liverpool, what a city. an honour.
Of course Everton where the big team then, but Liverpool always had a sense that something was going to happen. Liverpool was recovering from the war then and the sense of optimism was about to explode onto the world.
Of course there was the beatles, but Liverpool became a friendly cosmopolitan place were all comers were welcome. The message was love and support. Bill Shankly heard it when he came. He knew like me that Liverpool was to become the centre of the world. He knew that he needed to build a team that would personify the people out on the pitch. He knew the Liverpool way would make his team great and the people happy.
But what has happened today Barbara, can you tell me what an OOT is?
an out of towner, came Barbara's rather muffled reply. she hated OOT's cos they always loved Jason McAteer.
How is that? Liverpool gave itself to the world? Have Liverpool fans became so arrogant that they don't see that Success breeds popularity, and through this popularity Liverpool spread it's message across the world. Team. Love. Support.
As Liverpudlians we are one. whatever race, colour or creed. If fans don't stick together then the team can't possibly.
One Fan One Team.
It's important to never forget that Barbara, As Liverpudlians we are one. We mourn the 96, but not all were from Liverpool. We don't mourn those any less.
Albert? can i go back?
I can only help you so much Barbara, but i can tell you what you were holding in your hands.
What was it Albert?
and with that he was gone, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band were back and Albert was taking his proud position inbetween H.C. Westermann who liked to talk about sculptor and Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, who Albert liked very much because he had never met a guru who didn't wear red before.
Hello Barbara.... I'm your fifth player
The Fifth player Barbara met:
Hello Barbara, I'm your fifth player.
Don't worry about not recognising me i didn't play for Liverpool until after your death. No i met you when I was only a small boy.
It was the kop's last stand, of course you remember. You, like me, always stood at the very front of the Kop to the left of the goal. Only my dad used to sit me on the barrier because I was only 6. After the game my dad, as always wandered off, leaving me temporarily alone on the barrier. I couldn't fully understand why people were so upset. Grown men, older than my dad were crying and it kind of triggered me off. I put both my hands to my face in turn loosening my grip on the barrier. The inevitable accidential nudge was enough to knock me clean off the barrier.
But i caught you, intervened Barbara. You're the heavy thing i can feel before I die. But Why?
After you caught me, you sat me back on the barrier and told me something I will never forget. You told me that the team may change and the ground may change but the one thing that will never change is you being a Liverpudlian. You placed a scarf around my neck, told me it had been to Rome, and made your way to the left exit, without giving me another thought.
Until now.
Your kindness inspired me. I was passionate about Liverpool from then on. I dreamed of playing for Liverpool and worked hard every day. And now i do, here in this beautiful new stadium.
Barbara was stunned, Heaven was now a new Anfield.
I play every minute for you Barbara and fans like you. You are the heart of this club. You are it's soul.
You will never truly stop believing. You will never stop dreaming. You will never stop supporting.
New Anfield turned into a bright light.
Go home Barbara, you don't want to miss that semi final against Barcelona that is coming up. It's one of the best nights in our history.
this heaven was were through the reflections of five players her love of Liverpool was about to be explained.
The first player Barbara met.
Barbara's inner Liverpudlian forgot she was dead when she was distracted by a quite unforgetably ugly face. The face was hobbling towards her, a man seemingly with 4 skinny legs.
**** the bed, shrieked Barabara, Tommy Smith. What are you doing in my afterlife?
It was the late 60's, You were a teen. Your dad had taken you to Elland Road to watch us play Leeds. It was bitterley cold and the blades of grass were like barbed wire. Only yards from the pitch and on the right hand side, you had the pleasure of watching me quite closely in the first half. Norman Hunter put the reducer on me. The kind of hard challenge that has me using these sticks. the kind of hard tackle that had you wincing Barbara. As I got up off the cold pitch, i saw you looking at me. You remember that look don't you Barbara?
With that Bleedin face??? take some forgettin.
Tommy had heard it all before about his face, that's why even in heaven he had a moustache. and continued. I was determined to get Hunter. Within five minutes and still struggling to get over hunters bite, here he come skillfully down the line. GET STUCK IN TOMMY.....
I did it for Liverpool, I did it for you.
If you play for Liverpool, you must be tough, you must be courageous, you must want to run through walls for the cause. You can not call yourself a Liverpool player if you don't fight.
And Liverpool has always had that. Even now.
Barbara, Liverpool will come good again. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I must go now but you will meet 4 other players.
Before you go Tommy, I felt something heavy in my hands before i died, what was it?
i can't tell you that Barbara, but someone else will......
The second Player Barbara met
After rubbing her eyes in disbelief, she was soon wiping what seemed to be spit from her face. What the hell?
Hi I'm el hadji diouf.
Oh Jesus, God Help me, Barbara sighed.
What are you doing in my heaven. I've always been a good fan.
Diouf swallowed (for once) hard and explained. Barbara your love for Liverpool diminished when you saw me play for Liverpool.
a liverpool player should conduct himself in the proper way, be sacred to the clubs traditions and be humble in the honour of playing for you beautiful people.
I cost a lot of money and earned more in a week than most of you do in a year. 2 years maybe. And i bought disgrace upon you. I am a modern day footballer and i've lost touch with the working classes. Money truely is the root of all evil. Look at Bruno and Salif.
But you Barbara must remember that you never saw money as the key to success. Millions of pounds can't buy true Liverpool players, true Liverpool players are priceless. ask chelsea.
I have gone now, and my like will hopefully never been seen again. I know if the players work hard the true fans will back them. If the Liverpool fans back you, you are fearless.
Hmmm. Thought Barbara. I do believe that. Thank you el hadji, there are players at Liverpool who try. I wished i could back and show them my support.
so do I, mused Diouf. With that he was gone.
Damn...perhaps he knew what i was holding. Maybe it was a spitoon.
The third Player Barbara met
Suddenly the swaying crowd parted and the hallowed turf beneath Barbara's feet disappeared. Everything was white and clinical.
why am I here? is this a hospital?
Yes, came the reply. Nice to meet you Barbara, I am Marcus, and I'm the third player you meet.
Barbara was overwhelmed, she loved Marcus Babbell, she admired his strength, courage, consistency.
Why Marcus in my heaven are you in a wheelchair, I was your fan. I prayed for you when you were ill.
I know you did barbara, as did many. The love and support that i received from the fans at that time helped me through some of my darkest days. i am better now, but you needed to see me like this, to remember that supporting Liverpool is supporting them through thick and thin. Sure there will be trophies. We Are Liverpool. But there must be difficult times as well. adversity introduces a man to himself. Support those players now, those players at Liverpool now, and you will get your rewards.
I wondered if i would ever walk again and your club offered me a new contract. Be proud of that. that is Liverpool.
And you never let me walk alone.
Barbara wept. Marcus stood up. He was tall, powerful and with a smile not seen since alaves, left Barbara.
Barbara fell to her knees. How could she have forgotten. Why did she let herself die??
She opened her eyes. Was she back at Anfield?
The Fourth player Barbara meets:
Well there was grass, but also flowers, celophane flowers of yellow and green, and who's that Mae west? oh God I remember her, I am old. what's she doing here? Did Roy Evans sign her?
Oliver Hardy, Sonny Liston, Karl Marx oh My God...Oh My God.
JOHN LENNON. Oh John what are you doing in my heaven?
I'm not Love. I'm one of the 5 rock stars you meet in heaven, it's Albert you're after.
Barbara saw Albert Stubbins talking to Lewis Carroll and he immediately waved her over.
Hi Barbara, i am Albert Stubbins, and i'm the fourth player you meet in heaven.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band disbanded, and Barbara and Albert found themselves in a newcastle cinema.
I never saw you play Albert, but me Dad reckoned your were great. He used to talk about a diving header against Birmingham in the cup, when you connected with a Liddell Freekick only 6 inches from the ground.
Oh Barbara, such an honour to play for Liverpool. Do you know why we are here?
In fact believe it or not, i was very nearly an Everton Player.
'One of the five players i meet in hell?'Barbara quipped.
'Ah that famous scouse wit' Albert enthused before continuing.....
I was sat in this very seat in this very cinema, when a message came across the screen 'ALBERT STUBBINS LIVERPOOL WANT TO SIGN YOU, GET HERE NOW' can you imagine that? Just because mobile's where not invented, doesn't mean the agents were redundant, albert chuckled. But to play for Liverpool, what a city. an honour.
Of course Everton where the big team then, but Liverpool always had a sense that something was going to happen. Liverpool was recovering from the war then and the sense of optimism was about to explode onto the world.
Of course there was the beatles, but Liverpool became a friendly cosmopolitan place were all comers were welcome. The message was love and support. Bill Shankly heard it when he came. He knew like me that Liverpool was to become the centre of the world. He knew that he needed to build a team that would personify the people out on the pitch. He knew the Liverpool way would make his team great and the people happy.
But what has happened today Barbara, can you tell me what an OOT is?
an out of towner, came Barbara's rather muffled reply. she hated OOT's cos they always loved Jason McAteer.
How is that? Liverpool gave itself to the world? Have Liverpool fans became so arrogant that they don't see that Success breeds popularity, and through this popularity Liverpool spread it's message across the world. Team. Love. Support.
As Liverpudlians we are one. whatever race, colour or creed. If fans don't stick together then the team can't possibly.
One Fan One Team.
It's important to never forget that Barbara, As Liverpudlians we are one. We mourn the 96, but not all were from Liverpool. We don't mourn those any less.
Albert? can i go back?
I can only help you so much Barbara, but i can tell you what you were holding in your hands.
What was it Albert?
and with that he was gone, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band were back and Albert was taking his proud position inbetween H.C. Westermann who liked to talk about sculptor and Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, who Albert liked very much because he had never met a guru who didn't wear red before.
Hello Barbara.... I'm your fifth player
The Fifth player Barbara met:
Hello Barbara, I'm your fifth player.
Don't worry about not recognising me i didn't play for Liverpool until after your death. No i met you when I was only a small boy.
It was the kop's last stand, of course you remember. You, like me, always stood at the very front of the Kop to the left of the goal. Only my dad used to sit me on the barrier because I was only 6. After the game my dad, as always wandered off, leaving me temporarily alone on the barrier. I couldn't fully understand why people were so upset. Grown men, older than my dad were crying and it kind of triggered me off. I put both my hands to my face in turn loosening my grip on the barrier. The inevitable accidential nudge was enough to knock me clean off the barrier.
But i caught you, intervened Barbara. You're the heavy thing i can feel before I die. But Why?
After you caught me, you sat me back on the barrier and told me something I will never forget. You told me that the team may change and the ground may change but the one thing that will never change is you being a Liverpudlian. You placed a scarf around my neck, told me it had been to Rome, and made your way to the left exit, without giving me another thought.
Until now.
Your kindness inspired me. I was passionate about Liverpool from then on. I dreamed of playing for Liverpool and worked hard every day. And now i do, here in this beautiful new stadium.
Barbara was stunned, Heaven was now a new Anfield.
I play every minute for you Barbara and fans like you. You are the heart of this club. You are it's soul.
You will never truly stop believing. You will never stop dreaming. You will never stop supporting.
New Anfield turned into a bright light.
Go home Barbara, you don't want to miss that semi final against Barcelona that is coming up. It's one of the best nights in our history.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Dior homme Dermo System
Friday, November 17, 2006
High Times

PlayStation 3...Make Hong kong proud????

My First Design Prototype
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Happy Bday
A big shout out to Connie today..Coz is her big day today. I m stuck in China so i can't celerbate with her..Sorry i will make it up when i m back
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Stussy X Nike
Headache each morning!!!!
Getting up at 7.00 each morning everyday is a pain already, wat rub the pain even more is standin in front of my wardrobe, staring in my wardrobe wonderin wat 2 wear...its such a pain in the ass i m tellin u..its not like i don;t have enough clothes...i have more then enough.. but to me it still doesn't seen to be enough...coz half the cloth i've brough i don't even wear it, i will wear them once n don;t feel like wearin them again, so every mornin i will be standin there, lookin at each T-shirt, shirt, polo shirt or watever, i will be like "no don't wanna wear this nor this, wore this last week, not feelin this one today", and once u know it, 15mins gone, great, if i don't decide on wat to wear i will be late for in the end i will have 2 force myself to wear something ....
Ok finally i m sittin @ my sit at work..surfing the internet as usaual, searchin for idea, but wat i m really doin is lookin at cloth, wats nice to buy, its like drug man trust me, i will be like "wow thats nice i wanna buy that", but thinkin about all the cloth which r spillin out of my wardrode , that will get me thinkin do i really need that. I m gettin better at controllin wat i buy, well half of the time i will be stop by Wing she will be like" No don't buy that, u will not wear it, or "no its not nice" i m grateful to have her as my GF she is grate to go shoppin with..hehe but the other half of the time, we will lose control n just shop big time, APC is the worst as we both like APC so much, we will be like child in toyrus, wanting to buy this n that, so before u know it we will be walkin out the shop with 2 or 3 huge bages, its maddness, wats funny is we will be walkin around others shopes for hours n lookin carefully tryin to just look round n not buyin for the day ." oh this is nice, ok will we look at other stuff first n come back tmr if we decide we really do like it" or " Oh its very nice but bit expensive, we will think about it first n come back n other time to decide on it" so we will be thinkin ok the days is goin very well,, we manage to control ourself, no shoppin bag in our home, yeah , then bang APC come up n walkin out the shop with no hand to spare, then we will be lookin at each other n say " wat just happen?"its total madness....
Ok finally i m sittin @ my sit at work..surfing the internet as usaual, searchin for idea, but wat i m really doin is lookin at cloth, wats nice to buy, its like drug man trust me, i will be like "wow thats nice i wanna buy that", but thinkin about all the cloth which r spillin out of my wardrode , that will get me thinkin do i really need that. I m gettin better at controllin wat i buy, well half of the time i will be stop by Wing she will be like" No don't buy that, u will not wear it, or "no its not nice" i m grateful to have her as my GF she is grate to go shoppin with..hehe but the other half of the time, we will lose control n just shop big time, APC is the worst as we both like APC so much, we will be like child in toyrus, wanting to buy this n that, so before u know it we will be walkin out the shop with 2 or 3 huge bages, its maddness, wats funny is we will be walkin around others shopes for hours n lookin carefully tryin to just look round n not buyin for the day ." oh this is nice, ok will we look at other stuff first n come back tmr if we decide we really do like it" or " Oh its very nice but bit expensive, we will think about it first n come back n other time to decide on it" so we will be thinkin ok the days is goin very well,, we manage to control ourself, no shoppin bag in our home, yeah , then bang APC come up n walkin out the shop with no hand to spare, then we will be lookin at each other n say " wat just happen?"its total madness....
Friday, November 10, 2006
SiperMan 3 Sick as fuck
Siperman 3 lastest trailor...gotta check it out its sick as fuck...
As i m such a huge Sipderman fan...Each Spiderman movie i get so excited..anyway check it out
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
M in love with this song..don't know y
Been listenin to this song alot on BBC Radio 1...n must say i do like this song...wired i know
and hell yeah they r SEXY
Friday, November 03, 2006
John Legend Once again
Funny as fuck

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